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Out to Kona

I’m off to the land of coffee beans, shave ice (with ice cream tucked inside!), snow-capped mountains with giant telescopes, sea turtles and flowing lava…. Kailua-Kona, that is! Eeeeee, so excited! (I’ll be back April 10)

On Sunday Jake and I race Lavaman, our first triathlon. It’s no Ironman, but we will be racing on part of the Ironman World Championship course, does that count? Here’s hoping I don’t drown at the swim start in the sea of thrashing arms and legs. Wish me luck!

I spent some time in Kona while in photography school years ago, so here are some throw-back photos to tide you over.

Kona Hawaii Photographer 01.jpg Kona Hawaii Photographer 02.jpg Kona Hawaii Photographer 03.jpg Kona Hawaii Photographer 04.jpg Kona Hawaii Photographer 05.jpg Kona Hawaii Photographer 06.jpg Kona Hawaii Photographer 07.jpg

Photographers Three Loose in Seattle

Ben Portrait Seattle Center.jpg Jake EMP Portrait.jpg Lindsay Seattle Center Portrait.jpg Cherry Tree Gas Works Park Seattle.jpg EMP Seattle.jpg Husky Stadium.jpg Lamp Post Seattle.jpg Pike Place Flowers.jpg Pike Place Seattle.jpg Space Needle EMP Seattle.jpg Vivace.jpg Vivace Seattle.jpg

Pitter-patter, snap, snap. I love the creative process of wandering around taking photos of whatever suits my fancy.  When I decided to make photography my way to make a living, I wanted to make sure I kept it as my way to still have fun.

In the winter, I just want to stay inside and be warm and cozy, and it often takes a friend visiting from out of town to make me get off the couch and let go of the warm coffee mug in my hand.  Once I get over the hump of putting on shoes and coat and mittens and scarf and hat and grabbing the umbrella (I know it’s no tundra, but I freeze in Seattle’s winters, and yes, I know, it’s not cool to carry an umbrella in Seattle. What does that make me?  Dry. At least semi. ;) ), I know I’ll enjoy the fresh air and the quest for the perfect image.  However unattainable that quest may be, it sure is fun to try!  So when my photographer friend Ben came visiting from Chicago, out we went!  It’s great to get an outsider’s fresh perspective on the city I see day in and day out.  It inspires me to look again and see it in a different way.

Ben’s updating his website and wanted a few artsy head shots of himself to include in the new design.  And with three photographers out running around, no one’s left out of the portrait-making fun and Jake and I got our fair share of in-front-of-the-camera time, though I much prefer the experience from the back side of the camera!

Of course, no Seattle visit is complete without a visit to Espresso Vivace for the world’s best cuppa!  Their beans are always in my hopper at home, so even when I’m forlornly looking out at the dreary wet weather from my window and not wanting to venture out, I can stay warm and caffeinated!