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Snow and Sun // Seattle Photographer

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Can you believe these two days were only about two weeks apart?! What a crazy winter we’ve had here in Seattle. I’m not a huge fan of snow (I mean, I moved away from Minnesota for a reason, right?!) but even I can’t deny that the novelty of snow here makes it fun for a few days. Snow angels, snowmen, snow balls, digging holes to China, you know, the usual snow activities. ;) If we had a yard, I have no doubt there would be loads of holes – the Zoë girl seriously loves to dig.

Two weeks pass… the snow melts at the first hint of rain, and in comes the clearest blue sky I’ve ever seen here in the winter. Jake and I are such suckers for warm, glowy light and Zoë couldn’t pass up a chance for a good game of fetch. I love that having a dog is an added excuse to get outside – she makes it extra fun. ‘Twas an afternoon to be savored!

What did you do in the Seattle snow and sun? Tell me your stories in the comments below, I can’t wait to hear ’em!

Zoë Love

Zoe Love

Can’t believe how much I love her! She makes me laugh every day and is so much fun to have around.

My little Zoë Bear (the shelter we adopted her from had called her Polar Bear so we thought it’d be fun to remember that in our little nickname for her). She has such a great personality with a perfect mix of chill and spunky. Her hobbies include sleeping under my desk while I work, chewing on rawhide sticks and pigs’ ears, playing fetch, eating fish, squeaking her chew toys, and running around our apartment like a bee’s in her bonnet. She also likes to cuddle in the morning and perch on the top of the back of the couch. I swear she thinks she’s a monkey. One of her ears sticks straight up all the time and the other does as it pleases.

Yes, I am officially a pathetic dog owner who’s baby is her dog. ;)