We totally believe in spreading the love and doing what we can to make a difference through social change. By choosing to do your portraits with Lindsay Kennedy Photography, you are also helping to make the lives of those who have so little just a bit better. Here’s how:

Through Kiva, we are helping to empower people around the world through micro loans (we’re in the top 1% of Kiva lenders for 2013, whoa!). Kiva helps facilitate life-changing loans by using the power of the internet to connect people all over the world through lending. If you want to get even more involved, you can join us in micro lending through Kiva with as little as $25.

When you invest in a wall art gallery for your home, we donate 15% of the purchase price to Wateraid so you’ll be helping to provide the world’s poorest with access to safe, clean water. Just $25 helps one person gain access to safe water and sanitation for life, and $100 buys a hand pump for to make it easier for families to collect clean water. I can’t imagine what it would be like not to be able to walk over to the faucet and have plenty of clean water come out to drink, cook and shower with. With so little money we can make a big difference in someone’s life; now that makes being generous easy!

With each session we donate the cost of four mochas, or $18, to Mocha Club, who encourages people to give up a couple mochas per month (or tacos, movies, or whatever you’re into) to make a difference in Africa. “The challenges that face Africans today are as diverse as HIV/AIDS, access to clean water, and the vulnerability of women. Mocha Club is committed to locally developed projects where the community identifies the needs and the response. The end goal is always to create real, sustainable solutions” (excerpt from the Mocha Club website). You may also join our team with as little as $9 per month to help provide clean water to Africa through wells, piping, and solar pumps.