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Willamette Valley | Oregon Wine Country

Having grown weary of Seattle’s “June-uary,” we set out for a long weekend in sun-drenched Willamette Valley. Wine glasses in hand, we kicked back under the sun, played with light in our cameras, and happily bought cases of wine to stock the wine cellar (a.k.a. my laundry room!) for the summer. ‘Twas heavenly.

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If you get a chance to head there yourself (and you should!), check out some of the wineries we visited:

Vancouver Olympics 2010

Being only a couple hours away from a worldwide event like the OIympics, we couldn’t resist heading up to see for ourselves. I mean, the Olympics are something that happens in some exotic faraway land that you only watch from a distance on TV. But here they were in my backyard.

One of the US/Canada hockey games was happening that night, and when Canada scored a goal, the cheers rippled from inside the bars and into the overflowing streets filled with people straining to catch a glimpse of the action. The energy in the city was quite electric indeed!

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