The final installment of Aston’s first year collection was a grand old time! We started with some playtime and cuddle time in his home stomping grounds, went for a stroll in the park, and ended with a birthday cupcake complete with balloons and confetti. It’s been a joy to watch him grow from a bump in mommy’s tummy to little newborn cuteness to an even cuter six month old and finally to see him celebrate his first birthday. What an honor to witness such a handsome new life blossom and thrive!
Summer Reading Fun
With the end of daylight savings, there’s no doubt fall is in full swing on towards winter. This fun summer session makes me smile with its glowy sunshine, playfulness, and warm mother/daughter moments. I love that they chose to begin the session in the library. It makes me think of how much I enjoyed reading with my mom when I was little and how she would read me the same book over and over and over at my request no matter that she could probably recite it by heart. :)